The purpose of the association is to:

  • set up a group of views on cultural matters in Brussels (up to 150 members);
  • promoting contact between the LGBTQI+ public and cultural operators in Brussels,
  • creating bridges between the cultural, economic and tourism sectors in our region.

Legal information on our organisation

How to become a member of Visite Particulière?
SEASON 2024/2025 —- FULL ! 

Please contact us first via members@vipa.brussels

Pay your subscription of EUR 60 to the Association’s account BEXXXXXXXXXXXX by indicating ‘”membership + your email address (replace @ by at)  and your preferred language ( FR or NL)” in communication.

When making the payment you join our internal rules and allow us to use your private data for the purposes of the association.

Do not forget (extract form our internal rules) that once your contribution has been paid:

  • The registration is valid from 1/9 to 31/8 of the following year. it is therefore interesting to register quickly!
  • You have the right of access to approximately 8 to 10 cultural events (this includes the right of entry, guidance costs, and a drink offered at the end of the visit).
  • You can invite a person of your choice twice a year to accompany you to a visit by informing the secretariat in advance to hello@vipa.brussels